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Windows Vista RC1 Released
September 2, 2006


On Friday Microsoft released Release Candidate 1 of Windows Vista. This article outlines some of the info from this milestone. Believe it or not, we're only 2 months away from RTM!

About the Build

Windows Vista RC1 is Build 5600.16384. Notice it uses the new revisioning scheme. It essentially means 5600.0. It was compiled on August 29, 2006. Information for downloads on both platforms as follows.

x86(32 bit)

2,584.25 MB

x64 (64 bit)

3,677.22 MB


Release Candidate 1 is now available to Techbeta testers on Microsoft Connect now. It is also available to TAP members. According to the Windows Vista Team Blog, "we're planning to make RC1 available to MSDN and TechNet subscribers next week, and to the general public shortly thereafter.  Also, anyone who participated in testing of Beta 2 will also be given the opportunity to download/order RC1."

Review and Screenshots

Paul Thurrott has put up a part of his RC1 review and a screenshot gallery at his site, The Supersite for Windows. Here is one of the screenshots from his gallery:
Windows Vista RC1 Screenshot